Happy Hands Montessori Nursery was rated Ofsted Good.
The Ofsted ratings are based on Effectiveness of the leadership and management, Quality of teaching, learning and assessment, Personal development, behaviour and welfare, and Outcomes for children.
It was found, amongst other things that:
- Staff offer a caring and nurturing learning environment, where children feel safe and secure. Children make friends and play happily. Their behaviour is good.
- Staff attend well to the needs of children and include all of them in activities. Children make good progress in relation to their individual starting points and capabilities. Staff prepare children well for the next stages of their learning and development, including the move to school.
- Children engage well in a range of experiences to develop their mathematical skills. For example, they can count objects and recognise and order numerals independently. They confidently solve problems.
- Staff work well with parents. For instance, they keep parents fully informed about their children’s progress and involve them well in their children’s learning.
- Parents are satisfied with the good service they receive from staff. They say that staff are attentive and their children learn well.
- Managers support the staff. They monitor and evaluate their practice to continually improve outcomes for all children.
Read the full report here