Term Topics
The activities that the children have participated in, or will partake in during the school day include the following term topics…
The Farm
Term topics like “the farm” are a favourite amongst the children. We focus on the following activities:
- Making animal models for the farm
- Sticking and making farm vegetables using a range of materials
- Reading various books: Little Red Hen, Dora’s Chicks, Duck in the truck, Cow takes a bow and many more
- Completing farm animal puzzles
- Farm animal chase using farm animal masks
- Baking Bread
- Matching farm animals with their young ones.
- Exploring playdough with farm animal cutters
- Creating animal footprints
- Creating a mini-farm on a builders tray
- Farm animal hunt
- Making sandwiches using vegetables from the farm
- Baking farm animal biscuits
- Creating a farm animal

Chinese New Year– Year of the ox
- Creating and decorating fans
- Making spin rattle drum
- Creating an ox using different shapes
- Making money envelopes
- Reading a Chinese New Year story

Pancake Day
On Pancake Day the children learn how to decorate pancakes using a range of berries and bananas. Great fun which can be tasted and enjoyed afterwards!

Valentines Day
The excitement of Valentine’s Day is contagious. We focus on:
- Exploring red play dough using heart cutters and creating different shapes
- Wooden spoon decorating
- Hand and fingerprinting a Valentine’s tree

St Patrick’s Day
- Making green snacks
- Making hats and decorating shamrocks

St David’s Day
- Making Daffodils using a range of media

The children learn about the significance of Holi while:
- Decorating T-Shirts by spraying a range of bright colours

In Autumn the children learn about:
- Painting leaf prints
- Creating animals using leaves
- Baking Orange and ginger Autumn cookies
- Reading the story book ‘We’re going on a leaf hunt’
- Exploring the ‘Owl baby’ story
- Autumn tree finger painting

All About Me
“All About Me” is a topic that focuses on:
- ‘Our family’ drawings
- Creating shape people
- Emotions– Feeling Charts
- Senses:
- exploring the sensory touchy feely box
- pizza making
- smelling various foods/spices, identifying what they are
- Playing ‘Simon Says’
- Using their own footprints to compare with their friends the concept of ‘big and small’

Under The Sea
Some of the activities the children have participated in or will partake in…
- Sea Animals hunt
- Sea Creature number search
- Floating and sinking experiment with pebbles, shells, leaves and sea animals
- Messy activities– blue shaving foam
- Water play with the sea creatures
- Painting a sea world plate
- Creating individual fish tanks
- Junk modelling– creating sea creatures using a range of media and materials
- Music and movement– Moving like sea creatures
- Sea animals Bingo

The children learn about the significance of Easter in these term topics while:
- Making Easter eggs
- Making Easter hats and baskets
- Experiencing the Easter parade

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